Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Elizabethan Theater

Theater was back then in the Elizabethan age as what movies and cinema is today. Every enjoyed going to them. The plays, the playwrights, the politics, and the propaganda all are an important part in the history of Elizabethan theater. The theater was an expanding industry in the Elizabethan era. Many theaters were built all around London in this time. The excitement, the money, and the fame are what led Elizabethan theatre entrepreneurs, men who had all of the ideas and actors into working into the famous Elizabethan theater. Costume, women were prohibited on the stage so men played women’s roles wearing uncomfortable clothing and life-threatening make-up. William Shakespeare was one of the most known actors and writers. Some women dressed as men in disguise to get in a role. Women that were caught, the theaters would be closed. Theater was a very important industry in the Elizabethan Era.
There were many jobs in the Elizabethan age a few of the more popular jobs were apothecary, a medical person who sells potions and poisons to the public. A popular form of entertainment back then was to be an acrobat. These were like the circus of today. And of course they had the popular artists back then these were the one of the most well known jobs and were considered one of the best jobs ever back then. Last one of the few of many jobs in the Elizabethan age is a blacksmith. These are the iron makers and repair men of the time. They created every day tools used to make life easier and also made farm tools and weapons for the army. These are some of the jobs back then in Elizabethan times.

The Plague

The Bubonic Plague swept throught out Europe durring the Elizabethan Era. The Bubonic plage is also known as Black Death. Durring this time, there were high death rates among Elizabethan children. Shakespears brothers and sisters were also struck down by the plague. Durring the Elizabethan period, there were repeated outbreaks of the plague. Unfortunately, high populated towns such as London were effected. Even county area and villages were struck. There was absolutely no hiding place to escape from this deadly disease. The victems that were effected would be sealed in their houses, which would then be locked and bolted from the outside. Tehey were not allowed to leave nor have anyone enter. This highly deadly disease was transmitted by the fleas that live on rodents and animals, especially rats. Once effected by the plague, the person would have incredibly painful swelling which could end up life threating.

Living Conditions.

Living in the Elizabethan times It was the time if the Renaissance new ideas were going through the towns and cities. More people stopped working with the church and had their new ideas.With the invention of the new Printing Press more and more books were being printed so they were cheaper to buy. More and more people are moving from the little villages and farms to bigger cities with more jobs. There were more jobs because of all the diseases that where going through the big cities, like The Black Plauge, Dysintary and Typhoid. They had various cures for these diseases or what they thought were cures like, tobacco, dried toad,bleed out the victim and arsenic.They also died of the lack of hygiene. They didn't wash their hands and rarely ever took a bath. They didn't brush their teeth or their hairs. In the Elizabethan times people blamed every weird event as the work of witches. Even if a woman was just assumed of being a witch they were burned at the stake with no trial. The events that occured durring the Elizabethan age change how we look at the world today
Fashion in the Elizabethan Era was extremely unique from how it is today. Your wealth and living style were both reflected off of the way you dress. For example, upper class fashion consisted of fany materials, elegant styles, and many layers of clothing. Lower class fashion was usually just basic materials and didn't have many layers to it. Women wore a stock or shift, stocking, corset, hooped skirt, roll rowle, stomacher, petticoat, kirtle, forepart, and a partlet all just under their clothes. Over they wore a gown, separate sleeves, ruff, cloak, shoes, and a hat. Men wore a shirt, stockings, coatpiece, and a corset under their clothes. A doublet, breech, belt, ruff, cloak, shoes, hat, and doublet is what they wore over their clothes. There were laws and what you could and could not wear based on your status, and wealth. These set of laws were known as the Elizabeth Sumptuary Laws. Long ago, clothes reflected your wealth and living style.