Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Fashion in the Elizabethan Era was extremely unique from how it is today. Your wealth and living style were both reflected off of the way you dress. For example, upper class fashion consisted of fany materials, elegant styles, and many layers of clothing. Lower class fashion was usually just basic materials and didn't have many layers to it. Women wore a stock or shift, stocking, corset, hooped skirt, roll rowle, stomacher, petticoat, kirtle, forepart, and a partlet all just under their clothes. Over they wore a gown, separate sleeves, ruff, cloak, shoes, and a hat. Men wore a shirt, stockings, coatpiece, and a corset under their clothes. A doublet, breech, belt, ruff, cloak, shoes, hat, and doublet is what they wore over their clothes. There were laws and what you could and could not wear based on your status, and wealth. These set of laws were known as the Elizabeth Sumptuary Laws. Long ago, clothes reflected your wealth and living style.

1 comment:

Lovely_Lissa said...

do you have anything on medicines?